Press Quotes

"Tom Lishman's sound design is especially acute"
New Jersey Newsroom

"Special mention should go to Tom Lishman's invaluable sound design, which communicates everything from the subtle rushing of the wind to the deafening sounds (and vibrations) of contemporary warfare."
Backstage New York

"Tom Lishman's effective and imaginative sound design assists in bringing out the brooding violence"
Time Out

"Tom Lishman's tropical soundtrack … makes the theatre seem hot."
Financial Times

"Tom Lishman’s sound design delivers subtle reinforcement where needed without sacrificing the tender, natural sound."
The Public Reviews

Tom Lishman, the sound designer, does great work: A train chugs on tracks; birds do their ominous “Birds” thing."
New York Times

"Tom Lishman's lush score of sea murmurs, bird sound and music establishes a familiar mood of period opulence."
The Guardian

"Tom Lishman’s surround-sound effects, of thunderous passing underground trains and cooing pigeons, are equally carefully considered."
San Francisco Examiner

"I have to say that, going in, I feared a rock band would blow the walls off the little Finborough but such was not the case - the sound levels are perfect"
What's On Stage

"A little fake snow and Tom Lishman's clever soundscape – thunder crashes, sinister adult footsteps, the heart-stopping thwunk of Mr Bumble's sceptre and the slow-dripping pipe of Fagin's lair – provided all the special effects required."
The Argus

"Farmyard noises greet the audience as it arrives and there’s an obligato of squelches and plops, cackles, grunts, bellows and snores as the action progresses; sound design is by Tom Lishman."
What's On Stage

"The sense of horror swells; Paul Bull and Tom Lishman's sound design fills the air, first with the snicking of the barber's scissors, then with strange gulping, wetly chewing noises and finally with wails of grief."
The Times

"Impressive Sound Design"
Time Out

"The production also benefits from … Tom Lishman's evocative sound design, a battery of effects that includes airplanes, traffic, crowds, prison doors, and various kinds of music."
Lighting & Sound America

"Tom Lishman, the sound designer, evokes a mood of fear with the clinks and slamming of doors and the echoing of footsteps in the prison corridors."
The Arts Desk

"Tom Lishman's sound design gives real light and shade in which the two versatile performers shine."
The Arts Desk

"Tom Lishman’s soundscape is spot-on, with jaunty newsreel music alternating with strange echoes from an aerial terra incognita."

© Tom Lishman